There are numerous ways that you or your company can sponsor the St. Croix Fat Cat Triathlon and receive great exposure in the form of public recognition on our website, Facebook page, race publications, T-shirts, signs, and more. You can sign up through the form below, or you can always email us directly at StCroixFatCat@gmail.com.
Package includes:
Bronze package plus:
Silver package plus:
(Claimed for 2019)
Gold package plus:
Platinum package plus:
Company name in bronze level section of race banner and literature.
Company name (no link or logo) in sponsor section of the St. Croix Fat Cat website
Company name in video to be played during pre-race dinner on Friday night
Company recognition on event Facebook page
Company name in silver level section of race banner and literature.
Company logo in sponsor section of the St. Croix Fat Cat website
Company website link in sponsor section of the St. Croix Fat Cat website
Company name (no logo) on all race shirts, excluding winner shirts.
Company name in gold level section of race banner and literature.
Opportunity to staff water station to promote your company as avaialble (first come/first served basis) - no handouts allowed on race course
Banner, provided by your company will be displayed at the race packet pick-up
Small promotional items, provided by your company, may be placed in race bags
Company recognition by PA system at post-race ceremony
Company logo on all race shirts
Company name in platinum level section of race banner and literature.
Additional banner provided by your company can be displayed at your choice location.
Includes one complimentary entry fee of choice -- individual, tandem, or team (including watercraft rental, if needed).
Company logo on all race shirts
Company logo included on website and Facebook home page banners
Company name will be in all promotional materials, where available
Company input accepted on all co-marketing ideas for event
Expanded company paragraph on Fat Cat website
Includes three complimentary entry fee of choice -- individual, tandem, or team (including watercraft rental, if needed).
Verbal and visual company recognition at event with option to donate raffle item to be given to one racer. Company representative present at awards ceremony if desired
Make checks payable to:
Scandia-Marine Lions Foundation
Mail Payment to:
Scandia-Marine Lions Foundation
PO Box 263
Scandia, MN 55073